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Saturday, February 10, 2018
Danmudzsi, a sárga savanyított retek
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Drama Reviews No. 10
Fight My Way – It wasn’t as funny as advertised in the
teaser. The romance and the chemistry between the leads was okay but not off
the chart. It could’ve been much better with such a cast, I blame it on the
director and the writer. The frames and the lights were dull, the fight scenes
were poorly made. What stood out for me were the side characters, the leads’
friends who were a couple (Ahn
Jae-Hong and Song Ha-Yoon) and the coach (Kim Sung-Oh), they were scene stealers. It wasn’t bad, just lukewarm.
Suspicious Partner – It was hard to balance the humor and
romance with the creepy crimes. I liked the trust developed between Ji-Wook
Chang-Wook) and Bong-Hee (Nam Ji-Hyun) despite the bumpy start. I would've like it more if Bong Hee was portrayed as
more capable, not as someone slow, who barely can pass the exams. The legal
stuff and court speeches were not well written, but the visuals were great, and
wasn’t a boring drama. I appreciated that the leads emoted so
well and had so much chemistry.
Defendant – It felt over the top, too
exaggerated. I liked the beginning, when I couldn’t figure out what’s the deal
due to Jung Woo’s (Ji
Sung) repeated memory loss,
after that the story became somewhat predictable. Ji Sung’s performance in the
second half of the drama was better. Uhm Ki-Joon
managed to create another memorable villain character, a real psychopath, with perfect mixture of intelligence, evil and craziness. And with a friend like
Kang Joon-Hyuk (Oh
Chang-Suk) who needs an enemy? He was outright scary. The irony is that in
this dark, twisted story the inmates were the good guys.
Whisper – This drama is better than the Defendant.
The casting and the actors performance was spot on. I liked that all the
characters were four dimensional, the line between good and bad was blurred,
everyone had a shady and a relatable side. The corruption’s web was unimaginable large yet felt real (given the corruption size in my country). In
every single episode was a twist, I couldn’t stay assured even for an hour. I wasn’t
disappointed of the end, I saw it coming, if it was any different the drama
wouldn’t be true to itself. Lee Bo-Young and Lee Sang-Yoon
were perfect partners, complemented each other, but the romance was a little
Individualist Ms. Ji-Young – The approach was too simplistic, the
tropes of opposites attracts in this case wasn’t appropriate in my opinion. The
clinging to girlfriend was overdone, it wasn’t even hilarious. I know it was a two
episode mini-series, but still the problem was too easily solved.
The Best Hit <3 – The best. ’Dda Bong!’ It’s about a
year that a drama got me this addicted. I couldn’t wipe the smile off of my
face while watching it. Maybe Yoon Si Yoon’s wide smile was contagious. It was
a show that was funny and witty, the comic situations and the serious talk were
hand in hand in almost every scene. I had the feeling that the whole cast and
crew had a blast filming. I was amazed how cool the characters stayed when they
learned about the time travel. No one freaked out. Not even the son whose dad
snatched the girl he loved. C’mon, that was unrealistic even according to
kdrama standards. But the love story of Yoo Hyun-Jae (Yoon Si-Yoon)
and Choi Woo-Seung (Lee Se-Young) was so sweet and swoonworthy that I
threatened to curse the show, if it’d kill it at the end. Fortunately it
did not. Everyone was likeable. Even stalking fans. When I saw them with those
cameras, I burst out laughing. They clearly didn’t know how to use them. At first
they didn’t even hold it right. And when one of them took a picture of Ji Hoon
Min-Jae) in the bakery with telephoto lens... Well, she probably wanted to
take a macro photo of his nose hair.
2 Outs in the 9th Inning – The Best Hit put me in a retro mood,
so I tried for a change an oldie. I think it’s okay to call it that if it’s a ten
years old drama. Someone praised it on Dramabeans and made me curious. I want
to thank her for that. I didn’t see the main actors in leading roles up till
now, and I was amazed how good they are. Soo-Ae wasn’t stiff and
self aware like many actresses, she was relaxed and natural, with a beaming
smile, and you could read what was Lee Jung-Jin thinking ‘cause every muscle was moving in his face. It’s an understatement that their chemistry was great. I would
like to see them in many dramas as leads, in meaty roles. Hong Nan-Hee and Byun
Hyung-Tae’s transition from friends to lovers was fun to watch and felt
realistic. The ending was somewhat flat, without fireworks, but all in all, it
was a good show. Sadly the subs were not too good, but I’m still grateful for
them. On the shallow note, I loved their fashion, especially the trapeze trousers.
I still keep one of those in my closet. I’ve never seen someone looking so hot
in saggy sweatpants and a T-shirt. And I was right, that camera wasn’t just
a prop.
Labels / Címkék:
2 Outs in the 9th Inning,
9 End 2 Outs,
Fight My Way,
Individualist Ms. Ji-Young,
Korean drama,
Suspicious Partner,
The Best Hit,
Thursday, February 01, 2018
Kimcshi-készítés - első próbálkozás
Már rég szerettem volna enni kimcshit, csakhogy a városomban nincs keleti élelmiszerbolt, és a hipermarketek egzotikus étkeket és hozzávalóikat kínáló polcain még nem találkoztam vele. Ezért elhatároztam, hogy magam készítem el. Nem sok különlegesnek számító hozzávalót kellett beszereznem, csupán kínai kelt, halszószt, jégcsapretket és egyes receptek szerint rizslisztet. Az első kettőt meglepően könnyen találtam, jégcsapretket viszont sehol sem kaptam, pedig azelőtt sokszor láttam, sőt vettem is. Lehet, most nincs szezonja, azért nem kapható. Jobb híján fekete retekkel helyettesítettem.
Mielőtt nekifogtam volna, végigolvastam egy csomó kimcshi receptet, amikből kiderült, hogy többféleképpen készítik, szinte ahány ház, annyi szokás.
Első nekifutásra a rizsliszt és sárgarépa nélküli változatot választottam.
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étel recept,
keleti konyha,
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